
Going out into the natural world and noticing the aliveness all around us is essential to our well-being. Especially during times of increased stress, time spent outdoors can be just what we need to maintain our physical, mental and emotional balance.

As shelter-in-place directives for non-essential activities are in place throughout many states and countries, engaging in outdoor activity is considered essential for mental and physical health.

You are invited to go outside, or if that is not possible find a place to look out a window to observe nature.

Whatever you can do, notice the changes in the season, the sky, and the nature around you. Document what you are noticing in text or poetry.

Linda Kruger
Alaska Nature and Aquatic Therapy Consulting

Native Wildflowers and Grasses on Edge of Sitka Spruce Rainforest,
Kodiak Island, Alaska © 1993 by Jeff Gnass